The Annals of Biological Studies is a single-blind, peer-reviewed, and fully open-access journal.  The journal’s mission is to promote   research in the field of biological science.  The Journal accepts and publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, and letters to the editor.  We publish both print and online versions. Accepted papers will be published online immediately in the running issue after they are ready to publish. We publish one volume containing two issues in the months of June and December.

TitleJournal Info
Journal TitleAnnals of Biological Studies
Alternative TitleABS
AbbreviationAn. Biol. Stud.
Frequency2 Issues Per Year
ISSN (Print)3005-9704
ISSN (Online)3005-9712
APCThere is no article processing or publication charges. The journal is free for both authors and readers.
Review TypePeer Review (Double Blind Review)
Access PolicyOpen Access (All the Issues are freely available to read & download).
Copyright LisenceCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
PublisherResearch Institute of Biological Studies (RIBS)
Submission to 1st Decision1 week
1st Decision to Review6 Weeks
Acceptance to Online Availability1 week


Access Policy

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