Open Access


Original research article

Beyond the Microscope: Molecular Insights into the Diversity and Circadian Rhythms of Avian Blood Parasites in Wild Populations


Ali Raza1, Zakir Ullah2

1. University of Lahore, Pakistan.
2. Department of Zoology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

Annals of Biological Studies, 1(1), 26-31;
Received: October 10, 2023




Accepted: December 12, 2023


Published: December 21, 2023


This study delves “Beyond the Microscope” to explore the molecular intricacies of avian blood parasites in diverse wild populations, unraveling their genetic diversity and uncovering the influence of circadian rhythms on their dynamics. Employing advanced molecular techniques, we scrutinize the genetic landscapes of these parasites, shedding light on their evolutionary adaptations and the factors driving their prevalence in various avian hosts. Additionally, our investigation delves into the temporal dimension, elucidating the role of circadian rhythms in shaping the interactions between avian hosts and their blood parasites. By bridging molecular insights with ecological context, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between avian hosts and their blood parasites in the natural environment, offering valuable implications for wildlife conservation and infectious disease ecology.

Keywords: Avian blood parasites; Molecular insights; Genetic diversity; Circadian rhythms

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APA Style

Raza, A., & Ullah, Z. (2023). Beyond the Microscope: Molecular Insights into the Diversity and Circadian Rhythms of Avian Blood Parasites in Wild Populations. Annals of Biological Studies, 1(1), 26-31.